Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

You spend time and valuable resources to drive the most qualified users to your website. If you’re not actively working to understand and improve your conversion funnel, you’re leaving revenue on the table.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a key part of the equation when you need to squeeze dollars out of dimes. Where are the pain points on the site that are causing customers to bounce? What stages in checkout might be causing confusion? Where can we do a better job of promoting your unique value propositions along the customer journey?

For every decision your team has made about the product catalog and shopping funnel, there is a split test that might uncover new opportunities or weaknesses. Our time-tested CRO process, coupled with our deep vertical experience, can help find meaningful improvements for this year’s sales goals.

Let’s chat about your content strategy and growth goals.

Your website can always work smarter to close the deal on sales.

The process begins with an audit.

The process begins with an audit.

Audits Include:

  • A full UX analysis and assessment of your desktop and mobile websites’ homepage & category navigation, on-site search, product details pages, product lists & filtering, checkout process, and "my account" section.
  • Our team will compile a detailed report with research-backed suggestions for improvement, with an initial target of 20-25 primary suggestions. Each suggestion includes a description of the identified UX issue along with a proposed solution based on best practice examples from leading e-commerce sites.
  • Detailed UX scorecards with UX performance scoring parameters, are used for direct UX performance comparison against top e-commerce sites.

Audits Focus

  • Homepage & Category Navigation Design and user experience of the homepage, main navigation, drop-down menus, category pages, subcategory pages, site-wide navigation, etc.
  • Search Experience (on-site search): The type of search queries the search engine supports, what and how the products are searched, autocomplete suggestions, how users are guided in case of partial matches, “No results” pages, the layout and features of the search results page, etc.
  • Product Lists & Filtering Design and usability of the category and search product listing pages, design and logic for filtering and sorting tools, the list item design and information, etc.
  • Product Details Pages: The design and usability of the entire product page implementation, including product images and videos, the image gallery UI, page features, “Add to Cart,” user reviews, product bundling and prerequisites, etc.
  • The Checkout Process: The user experience of the entire checkout flow, including shopping cart, account selection, guest checkout, detailed form field usability, field labels, shipping methods, payment methods and fields, error messages, etc.
  • Customer Account: The design and usability of the "My Account" section, such as "My Account" navigation and dashboard, sign-in and password reset flows, updating stored credit card and address info, newsletter frequency and unsubscribe, etc.
  • Mobile Specific: In addition to auditing all of the above site elements on a mobile screen, our team will also audit for mobile-specific issues, such as touch interactions and hit areas for the main menu, mobile image zoom, search, touch keyboards, design deviations between screen sizes, etc.

Once issues and opportunities have been identified, we’ll work with you to recommend a series of split tests that are prioritized based on perceived benefit. We work with a number of tools and platforms that integrate with your website to shed light on improved variations. Reporting is shared as the dataset is collected to confirm successes so that we may move onto the next improvement.

With 15 years in e-commerce marketing and CRO, our team understands the landscape, the seasonality and the common pitfalls in e-com conversion. Let us take a look under the hood of your website to see what opportunities are there.

Ready to get started?

Let us provide a free campaign audit to show you missed opportunities.